Support the Campaign
The majority of the NC 10% Campaign’s programming budget comes from grants and donations. Please consider giving to help create markets for NC farmers and support resilient local food systems in North Carolina.
How To Give
By Check
Make check payable to “NC Agricultural Foundation”. Please put "NC 10% Campaign" in the memo line.
NC Agricultural Foundation, NC State University, Box 7645, Raleigh, NC 27695.
For a printable donation form, click here.ā
Make an online donation to the NC 10% Campaign ("CEFS Marketing & Promotion Fund (011546)") at go.ncsu.edu/cefs10percent
Your gift is tax-deductible. NC 10% Campaign and CEFS fundraising efforts operate under the auspices of the N.C. Agricultural Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization, tax ID number 56-6049304. You will receive an official receipt for the tax-deductible portion of your contribution.