Visioning Our Food Future
Community members in Bladen, Columbus, and Robeson counties teamed up with a research and facilitation team from NC State University to create a food system assessment and plan for the region. Through this process community members identified assets and challenges and prioritized actions that will guide future food system development. Taking the time to go through this community-driven process prioritizes equitable outcomes in food system development in the region.
Over two years, community members across the three counties provided insight, information, and goals for the local food system. The research and facilitation team host and participated in various events and opportunities to engage with the community to gather and report data and information. This team created documents, maps, and other resources compiled into an assessment and plan with approval from community members.
This process is community-driven, meaning the community identifies the questions, data, and strategies. The research and facilitation team from NC State University helped plan the research activities, leveraging resources and knowledge to support the community. The goal of the process is to support deep community relationships and collaboration and prioritize actions for future food system development that can sustain a thriving local food economy, with equitable access to healthy food for all.
Read more on the project page, here.